Thank you for joining us at our 5th Annual Scholar’s Event, where we presented The Legacy of Hope Award to our 2021 Honoree, Lisa Lainer-Fagan.
Featuring our scholar, Dr. Michael Good, whose parents were both Holocaust survivors.
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Dr. Michael Good, a family physician from Connecticut, became interested in Holocaust history in 1999 when he accompanied his parents, both Holocaust survivors, to Vilnius, Lithuania. During this trip, his mother related her story of survival and spoke of a mysterious German army officer who had commanded her slave labor camp and who she claimed to have protected her, her parents and over 1,250 Jewish slave laborers from the murderous intent of the Nazis. Following this trip, Dr. Good set out to find this enigmatic officer and to understand why a German army officer would have acted so benevolently at a time when his countrymen were committing atrocities on a previously unthinkable scale. In his book “The Search for Major Plagge,” Dr. Good shares his parents’ stories of survival and describes his search for the man who saved his mother’s family.
Lisa Lainer-Fagan is a founding board member of the David Labkovski Project. Lisa has been very involved in the Los Angeles Jewish community for many years. She is currently a board member of BJE and Camp Ramah and has been active with de Toledo High School, Heschel Day School and the Jewish Federation. She is also a graduate of the Wexner Heritage Program and a member of Valley Beth Shalom synagogue. Lisa is passionate about the intersection of genealogy and Jewish history and gives lectures about her family history research. She was a math major at the University of Pennsylvania, studied for a year at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and received her MBA at UCLA. Lisa is an owner at Selective Real Estate Investments. She is married to Brian Fagan and is the proud mother of three children.
Jeffrey Kobulnick (2020)
Connie Marco (2019)
Gabby Vanderlaan and Joshua Shane (2018)
Sam Jamieson (2017)
California Senator
David Labkovski Project is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (EIN 81-0882765). Contributions to David Labkovski Project are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
All works of art shown are protected under copyright law and may not be reproduced, modified or distributed without prior written permission from the David Labkovski Project.