Documentary “Healing through Art” Produced by Darryl Pugh of Capital Group and featuring DLP wins Telly Award

DLP installed the exhibit “Documenting History through Art” at the Capital Group. DLP Founder & Executive Director, Leora Raikin, presented lectures and workshops on the artist, David Labkovski.

Capital Group employee Daryl Pugh produced “Healing through Art” a documentary about the power that art has to heal, which featured this exhibit. This documentary won a 2023 TELLY Award!

To watch the documentary, please use the button below.

Special Interview with Darryl Pugh and Leora Raikin

Leora Raikin, Founder and Executive Director of DLP, sat down with Darryl Pugh for an exclusive interview about this TELLY winning documentary. Watch the interview:

Leora Raikin and Darryl Pugh with a piece of David Labkovski's art at the Capital Group exhibit

Leora Raikin and Darryl Pugh with a piece of David Labkovski’s art at the Capital Group exhibit