Students worked with David Labkovski Project to curate a special exhibit at Hillel 818 in Northridge, CA. The exhibit was on display for two weeks and visitor tours were led by student docents. Free events were also open to the public.

Calendar of Events:
February 15, 2018: Opening Reception for “Documenting History Through Art”
David Labkovski’s great niece and Executive Director of the David Labkovski Project will share reflections on the life and legacy of David Labkovski. Student curators will lead docent tours
February 18, 2018: Movie Premiere of “An Artist’s Journey: The David Labkovski Story”

Premiere of movie with Q&A by:
Writer, producer Carole Eglash-Kosoff
Art historian, John Paul Thornton
Labkovski’s great niece and Executive Director of the David Labkovski Project, Leora Raikin
Michael Stein, cantor at Temple Aliyah
Executive Director at Hillel 818, David Katz.
February 20, 2018: Paint Night
Bring your creativity for an evening of painting in Labkovski’s style. $15 supply fee.
February 22, 2018: Lunch and Learn: “Searching for Traces of Family- A Journey to Uncover Roots and Stories from Eastern Europe”

Presented by Lisa Lainer-Fagan. Hear about the genealogical research done by Lisa Lainer-Fagan and the commemorative trip she took with her family to Lithuania and Poland to walk in the footsteps of their ancestors and to discover the fate of their relatives who disappeared during the Holocaust. Lisa will share stories about her grandparents’ migration to Latin America and discuss some of the discoveries she has made over the years. Her slide-lecture will look at the many clues they followed to learn the truth about her family members who were murdered in the Holocaust including photographs, letters, maps, survivor testimony, and museum archive research.
February 26, 2018: Lunch and Learn: “Legacies of Survival”

Presented by William Elperin, President 1939 Club and Connie Marco, daughter of survivors and family therapist. The transmission of trauma from one generation to the next and the establishment of the 1939 society and its importance for second and third generations today.
February 26, 2018: “A Holocaust Survivor’s Story: From Trauma to Triumph”

Presented by Dr. Erica Miller.